
Friday, November 5, 2010

Quindon Tarver says.....

Quindon Tarver claims he did not know that Raz B was recording a very private conversation (graphically detailed) they were having via cellphone, speakerphone!! Not once but twice as well as airing it all over the Internet.

Who the hell is Quindon Tarver? He is a former TUG artist who says he too was sexually abused by Chris Stokes & Marquess Houston.

Conversation...Check it out

Now....Quindon tells Vibe that he’s put all of that stuff behind him and is ready to move on. Here is what he had to say:

In regards to the videos leaked over the net recently by DeMario “Raz B” Thornton, I would like to first start off by saying that it was never intentional, on my part, for that conversation to have been made public. I had no clue our conversation was being recorded, nor did I know it would wound up on the Internet. I was under the impression that Raz B and myself were having a private conversation, nothing more or less.
In 2008, I spoke in-depth to VIBE magazine regarding the painful experiences in my past while under Chris Stokes label. I had no intentions of making public discussion of the incident since that story. I have also cooperated with law enforcement since the incident, and have absolutely given the situation completely over to God. It was never my intention to attract negative publicity for any of the parties involved. As far as the “scandal” goes, I am done with it. I’m busy in the studio working on new music, and my God-given gift is what will make room for me.
I truly appreciate the tremendous out pour of support and love I’ve been receiving lately, but it is not my intention to harm or humiliate anyone. As I’ve stated before, my past is the past and that’s where I’m going to leave it. It’s now in God’s hands, and He’ll handle the matter accordingly.

Hmm..Looks like someone has really got to him to make him change his view on the situation. While Raz B continues on his “molestation promo tour,”

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