
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hollywood's Gay Secrets Exposed In New Tell-All Book -- Is Rihanna Outed?

Book entitled Low Down Dirty Shame Author Natajah 'Tajah' Burton. The book set to release in March 2011. Some of her claims are explosive including outing superstar Rihanna. Lesbian rumors are swirling and Burton may be the one to reveal some juicy stuff.

"We had an amazing connection. We would order food in together, we watched TV together, we did all kinds of stuff. I listened to her music with her. Music is her life," said Burton.

While the openly gay Tajah refused to reveal names, she certainly hinted at the fling with Rihanna and dished about other relationships with successful Hollywood women.

"One of my experiences is with a pop artist. She is beautiful, amazing," Tajah told "We hit it off and it became sexual. It became really intense," she said of the affair. "It started off as friends, I didn't even know she was into women."

You can watch the interview here on RadarOnline:

In addition to a Barbadian pop star that she briefly played around with she also is claiming that she engaged in relations with “a very well known actress, a lot older, who also worked as a model”. She was also “well known female reality TV star.”

Natajah also claimed to have been to wild Hollywood parties.
"I was absolutely amazed at what went on at Hollywood parties," she said. "I wasn't used to that scene and it blew me way what went on behind closed doors.

"Some of the parties were total swinger parties and there would be famous actresses, that are supposedly straight, making out with other women, men making out with men - anything goes - and a butler would walk around with a huge bowl of cocaine for guests to help themselves to."

Rihanna has not yet spoken about the claims, but in an earlier interview, she had said that everyone had the "ability to be attracted to both sexes". "All humans are born with the ability to be attracted to both sexes. I could see myself in a relationship with a girl." Rihanna won't rule out a same-sex romance.

Once she even called actress Megan Fox "yummy". 

Although there were no exact names released, we can put two and two together and pretty much figure it out.


  1. Both are ugly and Rihanna is dirty and another international whore. I hope Chris Brown doesnt take her back.

  2. Hello,

    Kindly remove the image of Natasha Burton from this blog as its her personal image and its a pure violation of copyright infringement. We'll be forced to take a further action if its not removed soon.

