
Sunday, September 11, 2011

The final episode of True Blood Season 4

The final episode of True Blood is on tonight! Are you ready to watch the season finale of True Blood?  Don't we wish it would just go on forever......

Spoiler Alert! Don't continue to read if you wish to not know any helpful details....

  In the September 11 episode the finale called ‘And When I Die’ It’s Samhain, Wicca’s greatest holy day, and spirits of the dead surface in Bon Temps, giving Sookie valuable allies to combat Marnie’s newest incarnation. Lafayette’s latest medium encounter imperils his relationship with Jesus; Jason finds confession good for the soul, but not the body; Alcide makes a heartfelt appeal to the woman he loves; Terry receives an unexpected visitor at Merlotte’s; Sam and Luna envision a storybook ending, for once; Nan wears out her welcome with Bill and Eric. Debbie confronts Sookie and Tara with deadly consequences, and the denizens of Bon Temps brace for a new crisis with a familiar face.

This is what Carrie (Arlene) revealed to The!
Insider: This Sunday brings the season four finale, what can you tease?
Carrie: The finale has one of our biggest cliffhangers ever. Honestly, this show just gets crazier and crazier each season! This year, a dark shadow from Terry’s past will show its face. And the finale opens a door but I don’t know what’s beyond it. Bottom line, there’s never a moment where Arlene can relax. Just when you think everything is OK, something’s lurking around the corner – but that’s what is so great with our show.
This is what Nelsan (Lafayette) shared with LA Times!
“The finale turns Bon Temps upside down,” the actor said, speaking recently by phone from New York, where he was shooting a feature film tentatively titled “Gods Behaving Badly.” “Lafayette and Jesus are directly in the middle of it, and it doesn’t end well. No finale in the history of ‘True Blood’ has been worse than this one in terms of the cliffhangers. People are going to be [upset] because they’re going to have to wait like seven months before they figure out what materializes after this finale.”
Here is the clip they showed us last week...All I can say is get ready for some crazyness!

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