
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gabriel Aubry calls Halle Berry Jealous and a Bad Parent

Choose between your girlfriend and your daughter!

That’s the ultimatum Halle Berry threw at her Baby Daddy, model Gabriel Aubry when he began dating a high-profile TV star.

After Halle Berry announced an upcoming custody fight for her daugher, Nahla, new reports have surfaced that she is the one who is a bad parent and goes into jealous fits.
Halle recently said that she feels her daughter is in danger while in the care of her ex Gabriel Aubry, so she is going to fight for her custody.

According to the Oscar-winning actress, Gabriel is a jealous man who has crazed fits and is an irresponsible parent. But, Gabriel told TMZ that Halle is the one who is hardly present in her daughter's life, and who is the irate jealous one.

The Canadian model told TMZ that while on a trip to South Africa with Halle and Nahla, the actress would disappear for days while she was supposed to take care of their daughter. He also said that Halle is more interested in dating than doing her parenting duties.
Meanwhile, Halle insists that it is Gabriel who put Nahla in danger while caring for her, and she will do whatever it takes to have full custody.

1 comment:

  1. Typical Black Baby Momma, why get all mad and use the baby to control the childish....
