
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jason Malachi Confesses To Singing Tracks On Michael Jacksons New Album

Michael Jackson's youtube account deleted Breaking News song!

Jason Malachi which is a stage name, his real name is Jason Edward Cupeta. Fans have already suspected and pointed the finger to Jason as a fake. A Michael Jackson impersonator is all that he is. In person Jason really sounds horrible and his dancing is hilarious.  The above FB page is Jason Malachi's but he states that it was hacked and he didn't release the above confession. Interesting enough, read below another statement that was so called released by Jason.

Jason Malachi Facebook Statement
Jason Malachi is claiming his facebook account was hacked yesterday, that preceded with an online statement claiming Malachi had recorded vocals for the Michael Jackson album MICHAEL.

 Jason releases the following statement via his facebook:

Well guys, the point has been made. A Status was posted up yesterday, about me saying I sang Breaking News, Keep Your Head Up, Monster & Stay. Guess what, in the words of Shaggy, it wasn’t me. Lol. I guess the so called “Michael Jackson fans” and the media always trying to crucify a brother. When Michael passed away, people who called him ***** jacko and a “Molester”, they started called him Sweet Michael and other “nice” names. How hypocritical, netherless, Michael is still breaking the news. So TMZ, you can eat a fat one. You have been exposed for what everyone knows you are, a POS.

Source:Jason Malachi/

Here are a few other post that were posted on his FB page:

Jason Malachi 1/17/2011
Don't you, Don't you like it?
Jason Malachi1/17/2011
I appeal for calm during this stressful time.

Everywhere you seem to turn, you just point and say, "Hey, there's a Monster"
FAQs about the Jason Malachi Facebook Incident

How did TMZ learn so quickly?

Thad Nauden (Jason's "manager," according to TMZ), has been known to use both phones AND email! So has Jason!

Was tequila involved?

Yes. See next question.

Why would Jason do this deliberately, and risk getting sued by Sony? Surely he just had one too many tequila shots and in a fit of honesty, spoke the truth, but was then fiendishly tortured by Sony into retracting?

The Jason-Cascio buzz had died down. MJJC had just deleted Jason's account a couple days ago, after a KOP poster laid bare his narcissistic, self-promoting soul with links to his fake accounts at MJJC and other fan forums. How was he to promote himself and feel idolized now? For a while there, with the Cascio controversy, he felt, well, famous! Any freshman psych major will tell you how addictive that is. The man was desperate. Last night (Saturday) over tequila (Thad was buying), Thad slurred, "Hey, I see a way to get national exposure for BOTH of us!!!!"

TMZ reports the Facebook site is fake. But you can't fake 2000+ friends and old, authenticated posts! Something's strange, mysterious, fishy, rotten, bizarre, mysterious...

No it's not. The site's not fake. There was a minor scam, and it worked. Sony probably won't bother with it. Besides, their torture rack is out for repair.

Did Sony fiendishly tortured Jason or Harvey? I'm confused!

Does this help? TMZ gets TWO big MJ stories in ONE night. Two guys no one's ever heard of get national exposure in ONE night. Everyone has provided themselves with "plausible deniabiity" so they won't get tortured -- I mean sued -- by Sony.

What proof do you have of all this?

Who the hell ever heard of "Thad Nauden" before this evening?

This is what I found on Thad Nauden.....Read Up on Thad Nauden
(It's funny how both Thad and Jason have a strong liking for copying Michael Jackson)

For those that don't know anything about Jason, I will post a few video's at the end. But it sad that this guy is trying to receive star status by riding Michael's coat tail. Jason has been a notorious attention whore about MJ for years... he goes by the name of "Undiscovered" on forums and talks about how amazing he is to MJ fans and tried to make it seem like he and MJ were close...Take a look..

First, look at this thread where he started promoting himself at MaxJax:

1st June 2008 / MaxJax

He quickly came up with claims like this one:

1st June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
Jason told me the other day that Michael Jackson likes his songs. Jason even has the King of Pop's approval

1st June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
^^Yep Yep. Jason and I are closer than you might think
Michael said "Wow....that's eerie" when he first heard Let me Let Go. He was impressed.

At that time he still thought nobody would figure out his self-promotion.

He has registered two websites, both are off as of now. His music didn't sell well.
These sites were:
After some time his postings became weird:

2nd June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
^^Sadly, you DO have a negative outlook. However, I'm eager to hear the results of the public.

3rd June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
I like that dude that sung Mamacita

3rd June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
Wow. You guys are really hard on this "Jason Malachi." The man happens to be blessed with a voice identical to MJ and he chooses to share his gift with the world. I think he's one Hell of A guy as well

3rd June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
I was always that one guy who was allegedly "obsessed" with Michael Jackson. All through middle and high school, I sang and danced like him. I studied every gesture, every dance move, every vocal, every grunt...hell, even every "Hee-Hee." I caught a lot of flack for it, but I didn't care. I'm 28 years old now, and let's just say that Michael Jackson is still a HUGE part of my life.

6th June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
I'm not allowed to reveal the details yet, but I have met Michael. :dropdead:

Then he started to lie:

15th June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
I know. Unfortuneatly, some of my songs got leaked out. I did what I could to stop it, but the damage had already been done. I apologize for any confusion.

Love..........Malach i
And then the big ego was suddenly there:

26th June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
^^Yes. Just to let the fans know, Michael IS aware of the Malachi phenomenon. There have been rumors that he is behind the whole thing, and there have been rumors that he and I are in "cahoots" with each other. I can't come out and say what is going on, but when the time is right, I will. Things are really "Hush Hush" when you're involved with the King of Pop.

By the way, thank you all for being supportive on this forum. I'm more likely to respond on this site rather than on facebook or myspace because I almost ALWAYS get stupid messages like "QUIT COPYING MICHAEL JACKSON, YOU IDIOT!!" or "I HATE YOU, LOSER!!" Since I've joined this site, and the MJJ Community, fans have been a lot more respectful, and it's always a blessing to discuss Michael Jackson with other fans.

Best Wishes.............M alachi

And the most untrue and ridiculous claim:

20th April 2009 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
Jason Malachi just might be opening up for MJ during his tour at the O2 arena in London.....will keep you posted.

Best Wishes......Malachi

Here are some more ego postings of Jason:

15th June 2008 / MaxJax
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
My favorite male singer aside from the King of Pop? :hmm:I'm gonna roll with Jason Malachi:happy:

20th June 2008 / MJJC
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
Jason Malachi is one Hell of a Mover. And he's damn good looking, too!!!

20th June 2008 / MJJC
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
Maybe Michael is the man behind the whole operation. It's too early for me to confirm or deny that. Regardless, you'll hear more from myself as well as The King of Pop very soon, and things will make a lot of sense...

29th June 2008 / MJJC
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
Michael has heard my music before. He was very impressed.

Best Wishes..........Mala chi
2nd July 2008 / MJJC
QUOTE (Undiscovered)
Thanks, Reeta. That's EXACTLY how it went down. Someone stole "Mamacita" from my producer, Tony Kurtis, and the internet media went haywire. Then, a few more of my songs got leaked out, and what sucks is the fact that I could do nothing about it. My songs were always promoted as new Michael Jackson songs.

Now that my album has been released, I hope that all of the confusion has been cleared.
For those of you who like my music and bought the album, thank you for the support. Michael Jackson likes it, too.

Keep in mind that Michael is working hard and your patience will soon be rewarded.

Thanks..........Mala chi

Who do you think has tagged his tracks as being from Michael Jackson?

Jason should establish his own identity instead of trying to steal another or maybe not even that, I have a lot more to come on this story..SO STAY TUNED!!

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